The Thing von Zainab Haidary
I learned at school that an object can define or represent a specific fact, a theory or a thought. Ein Dokumentar Video.
D 2019, 20 min
Writer and director: Zainab Haidary
Narretors: Hamish Newport, Anni Gard
Actors: Max Friedemann , Mahshid Mahboubifar, Arash Ghelich Khani, Stephane Krust,
CassiaVila Rangel, Melis Sivasli, Eva Klauss, Tomma Köhler, Mark Weibezahn
Vincent Haynes, Dorsa Eidizadeh, Setareh Tourian, Lukas Elvis Dionysos
Special thanks: Natascha sadr Haghighian, Ulrika Isenburg
The Thing is a video documentary film about a sort of colonized things such as Yoga mattress, Condom, Wood, Flip flop, Shampoo, Caffe, the seed of palm oil, Air plan, flag, lipstick, and eraser.
Businessmen around the world are contributing to objects and their impact on their environment. However, the businessmen are adding their own point of views toward objectives. For example, President of P.T DHARMA MERDIPRO is talking about the concept of a Thing and its function in an era which we forgot the meaning of the things.
The same way different businesspeople contribute to the object…
Jurybegründung Filmstart 4:
Eine ungewöhnliche Darstellung der komplizierten Themen Kolonialisierung und Globalisierung verspricht uns das Konzept zu „The Thing“. Parallel erfahren wir in einer Installation von der Bedeutung von gleichen Objekten an unterschiedlichen Orten zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten. Geschichte anders zeigen und deuten – auf Basis der sehr überzeugenden vorherigen Arbeit von Zainab Haidary wollen wir mit ihr dieses Experiment wagen.
Zainab Haidary is a visual artist. She has a Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts from Kabul University, and currently studies at the HfK Bremen/Germany. She is a member of Women in Film and TV. Zainab has shown her art both on a national and international scale. She was an artist of DOCUMENTA (13) and has thus exhibited her works in Kassel, Germany and Kabul, Afghanistan in 2012.
Präsentiert im Rahmen der Ausstellung HfK Diplomausstellung im Güterbahnhof Bremen am 11./12. Juli 2019.